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Dead Man's Fingers Spiced Rum 700ml

Where a blended rum meets exotic spices to create a unique and distinctive flavour profile. Those familiar with Saffron cake will certainly find a hint of that alongside notes of Pedro Ximénez Ice cream.

Dewar's White Label Blended 1 Litre

A hugely popular entry level whisky first created over a century ago. It contains around 40 different whiskies in the blend, with Aberfeldy at its heart.

Diplomático Reserva Exclusiva 700ml

One of the world's favourite premium sipping rums. It boasts a signature smoothness and an outstanding balance, making it a multi-award-winning rum. A refined and elegant blend of exclusive rum reserves masterfully crafted. It boasts aromas of orange peel, toffee and liquorice, giving this refined rum a signature smooth taste. Marrying a unique body with excellent balance, this rum is a true reference for fine spirits lovers throughout the world.

Disaronno Originale 700ml

Disaronno Originale is the world's favourite Italian liqueur. Featuring an original taste and an unmistakable aroma Disaronno Originale is a stylish and timeless icon of the Italian Dolcevita. Disaronno is a pleasure to enjoy on the rocks as well as in its various mixed drinks. The sweet almond aroma on the nose is bright and lively. The almond flavour is not super cloying and gives a nutty, toasted backnote on the finish. Softer on the palate however with a rather short, sweet flavour of almond and marzipan.

Drambuie The Isle of Skye Liqueur 700ml

Drambuie is a honey and herb flavoured golden scotch whisky liqueur made from aged malt whisky, heather honey and a secret blend of herbs and spices. The flavour suggests saffron, honey, anise, nutmeg and an herbal earthiness.

Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin 700ml

In deepest rural Ireland, on the edge of a lake in Drumshanbo, Co Leitrim, is home of The Shed Distillery and PJ Rigney. PJ created The Shed Distillery with its medieval copper pot stills and began a quest to fuse oriental botanicals with the local Irish ones. As it turned out, they got on very well indeed. The result of this passionate exploration is Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin - unique, extraordinary, and remarkable, all bottled and labelled by local hands at the distillery.

Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin with Sardinian Citrus 700ml

The latest release from The Shed Distillery: an Irish gin with an exotic twist! This gin is distilled with more than 12 oriental botanicals, gunpowder tea, and a hint of Sardinian citrus - one of the rarest citrus fruits in the world found only on the island of Sardinia. The mix of botanicals and gunpowder tea gives this gin a uniquely fragrant, almost exotic aroma. Flavours are a delightful meld of orange and grapefruit, which leads to a mysterious finish. Best enjoyed in a smooth, refreshing cocktail or on its own with a generous wedge of fresh red grapefruit.

El Jimador Tequila Blanco 700ml

Young and fresh, el Jimador Blanco Tequila steps up with truly authentic character. It's made with 100% hand-harvested blue Weber agave and double distilled with sparkling clarity. el Jimador perfected the skills to produce a spirit so rich in flavour that every sip comes to life. Crisp and buzzing with citrus flavours, take a sip or shake it up.

El Jimador Tequila Reposado 700ml

el Jimador Reposado begins with 100% hand-harvested blue Weber agave, naturally fermented and double distilled. Then it enjoys a two-month siesta in their own handmade American oak barrels until the perfect moment. The results are worth the wait: an exquisite golden tone, warm seasoned flavours and a smooth, confident agave flavour that really shines through.

Everglades Triple Sec 700ml

The Everglades range is renowned for its luscious, full flavors and vivid rainbow of colours. The perfect mixers in countless cocktails, these liqueurs are also ideal for making shots or even shooting straight.

Fernet Branca 700ml

Fernet-Branca is a brand of fernet, which is a style of amaro originating in Italy. Manufactured by Fratelli Branca and formulated in Milan in 1845, it is one the best known of Italian bitters.

Finlandia Vodka 1 Litre

Produced in Finland's pure, natural and pristine environment from Finnish six-row barley & glacial spring water. Renowned for it's purity.
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